Archive | December, 2012

Popsicle Stick Magnetic Advent Wreath

10 Dec

DSC00805My mom came up with this idea when my brother and I were younger. This is a way to be reminded of the weeks of advent every time you open the refrigerator. This craft can easily be modified to create a menorah.

Materials Needed:

4 or 5 short Popsicle sticks (or long ones cut in half)

1 large Popsicle stick (tongue depressor)

hot glue

Elmers glue

Glitter and chenille sticks or colored markers

Sequins if you want



Make the short Popsicle sticks look like candles by covering them with glue and glitter OR color them with markers. We have made them both ways.

Make the large Popsicle stick look like a wreath by wrapping it with chenille sticks or coloring it with a marker.

Add sequins or other decorations to the wreath if you like.

Wait for Popsicle sticks to dry. Then attach magnets to the backs using hot glue.

Now you are ready to add a candle for each week of Advent!

*Note, if you do not have a tongue depressor, cut a piece of card stock into a tongue depressor shape. You can also use card stock for the candles.